Monday, January 13, 2020

Working Out

Some days it's easier than others. Some days I need it more than others. Some days I crush it more than others.
The gym is one of my many homes away from home. It equal parts relaxes and stresses me out. I get comfortable finding a good workout plan or groove, but I frustrate myself if I miss too many days in a week or have too much going on to squeeze it in. I'm a bit of a workaholic. 
Legs and abs are my favorite. Core is quite possibly the most essential aspect of a healthy lifestyle. I love to stretch my legs, and to push them to the "limps." I love the feeling of blood pumping through my veins, heavy breathing, and sweat drenched at the end of a successful workout. 
The gym is pretty much my only "hobby" as it is the only time most days I get to just do something for myself with myself. I train 4-6 days a week to keep my stress low, endorphins high, and to build strength. I've grown leaps and bounds in the years that I have put forth the effort, and not just muscle-wise. I'm more confident in the way I hold myself being in or out of the gym. 
The gym is where I go to grow and have learned to love myself more every day.

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